
Dr. Robert Gagnon Theologian

Robert A. J. Gagnon is an American theological writer, professor of New Testament Theology at Houston Baptist University (since 2018), former associate professor of the New Testament at the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (1994-2017), an expert on biblical homosexuality, and an elder in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).He holds a BA from Dartmouth, an MTS from Harvard Divinity School, and a PhD from the Princeton Theological Seminary.

Gagnon's primary fields are Pauline theology and sexuality. Gagnon has focused on the issue of The Bible and homosexuality. Gagnon has been described by theologian James V. Brownson as "the foremost traditionalist interpreter" on this topic, and has published several books and articles about the subject. Gagnon's work on homosexuality is derived from Old and New Testament texts dealing with sexuality. Gagnon's arguments are based on reproductive biology and gender complementarity, in which Gagnon presents and interprets modern scholarship on the ancient texts.

Denise Shick Executive Director of Help4Families and Living Stones Ministries, and Biblical Counselor

Denise Shick is the founder and executive director of Help 4 Families and Living Stones Ministries. She's authored seven children’s books and several nonfiction books, including My Daddy’s Secret, Understanding Gender Confusion—A Faith-Based Perspective, Moving Forward in Hope-A Devotional for Families of LGBTQ+ Loved Ones and Moving Forward in Community, a Biblical study with videos.

She is also a conference speaker and presents workshops on transgenderism and its impact on families. Denise has been interviewed on many faith-based radio and television programs. She has published articles in The Federalist, LifeSite News and American Thinker. Denise has been interviewed on many faith-based radio and television programs and appeared in Tranzformed, In His Image and the Fearless Women Series. Denise currently serves as an instructor for the Intro into the Trans World course she developed for Summit Bible College.

Jim Childs Ordained Minister

Jim was a principle developer of the Heart Mind and Soul:LGBTQ Seminar, which is designed to equip the “average person in the pew” to build grace and truth relationships with the unbelieving LGBTQ individual in their lives.

Jim has done workshops for church leaders, teenagers and young adults, spoken in pulpits across the country and has been a guest on the radio program Chris Fabry Live, as well as several podcasts. As one has personally lived the gay lifestyle and one who is now enjoying life in God’s true design, alongside his wife, Jim brings a unique perspective/understanding to the topic

Sherry Holt Conference and Church Speaker

Sherry Holt has a message of God’s grace, liberty and intimacy with the Father. Often in her ministry she offers insight into wounds of the soul, the brokenness they cause and how one finds healing and freedom through the love and power of encountering Jesus Christ.

She has a B.S. in Communication and is an ordained minister. Since 2006 she has facilitated Journey to Freedom, a ministry for women who struggle with identity issues and unwanted same sex attraction.

She is the proud mom of an adult son, Jonathan his lovely wife, Kerith and is thoroughly enjoying her beautiful grand babies. Sherry lives in Louisville, KY where she works as the Pastor of Evangel Online Campus and also as a producer and editor in the television ministry at Evangel World Prayer Center.

Doug Allen Pastor

Doug served as a City of St Pete Police Officer for 15 years, owned a business for 24 years. Pastor Doug became an elder at Feather Sound Church and serves on staff as a pastor.  He heads up the Healing Hearts ministry at the Feather Sound Church and has a heart for the LGBTQ+ loved ones.

Location Information

  • November 7th 2025 from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM ESTNovember 8th 2025 from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM EST
  • Feather Sound Church
  • 13880 Feather Sound Dr., Clearwater, FL, Address US


  • Early Registration through October 24, 2025. Lunch included.

  • Regular Registration October 25-Nov. 4th. Lunch included.



Conference Rules

Registrations signifies each registrant/attendee agrees with and will abide by the conference policies and code of conduct listed for this event, in the event registration is completed or paid by someone else.

Code of Conduct: Help 4 Families and Living Stones Ministries requires all conference attendees to adhere to certain standards of conduct. While open discussion and questions are valuable, disruption is not acceptable. Personal recording of the speakers is prohibited. Disruptions in or perceived disruption as reported by staff will not be tolerated and you will be removed from the seminar. Distribution of non-conference literature, campaigning for philosophical or political views, use of alcohol or narcotics, or harassment of any type is grounds for dismissal from the conference. Persons who are asked to leave will not receive a refund. Help 4 Families and Living Stones Ministries reserves the right to remove anyone from the conference, if there is reasonable cause to believe that he or she might cause harm to themselves or others or refuses to adhere to the Code of Conduct.

Minors under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. No counseling will be provided for minors.

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